Birth Chart Report

Sale price$12.10


This will be emailed to you. We need name, email, birth day, birth time and birth location. You will receive an email with your detailed report along with a color version of your chart. We use house system Placidus if you want a different house system used request it in the notes.

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Your natal horoscope, or birth chart, is a snapshot of the heavens at the moment you were born. It shows what the sky actually looked like at the time and place of your birth. Astrology in modern times has renewed the ancient discovery that the symbolism of the planets that surrounded you at birth describes your character and personality. Planets that were directly overhead at the time and place of your birth are most important, and would appear at the very top of the chart or the Midheaven. Planets that were just rising above the horizon in the East at the time of your birth would appear near the horizontal line at the left hand side of the chart or the Ascendant. If the Sun appears in the top half of the chart, then you were born during daylight hours and have a more outer directed personality. All of these features reflect the factors at play in the Universe at the moment of your birth and are significant indications of the basic qualities and tendencies that continue to make up your personality.

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